Marc  Freeman

Marc Freeman

Sales Representative

RE/MAX Escarpment Realty Inc., Brokerage*

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Marc Freeman's blog


Well it finally happened.  I picked up and moved back to southern Ontario where my real estate career all started over 15 years ago.  It will be a shift from BC to Ontario as terminology is different and also many rules are different as well.  So need to relearn Ontario again.  Which I look forward too.

So I will be located out of Guelph Ontario which is where I was born and raised.  I will continue to fly the RE/MAX banner by working for RE/MAX Real Estate Centre Inc.,Brokerage on Gordon St.  With sky high interest rate axiety the real estate market might be a little slow till...

Fall Market Terrace

Hey Terrace its Sept 30 2019 and today I woke up to frost on the rooftops in the horseshoe.  So that signals that fall is in full swing.  Great news from the Canadian Government, we must have an election coming because a new first time home buyers program kicked in this month.  This assists people with income under $120,000 to purchase their first home.  Thats good news, too bad it took an election to get help from the government. 

June 2019 Market Update

Hey just a quick market update for you.  We saw sales down over 40% year over year in the month of May.  So way more houses were sold in 2018 27 actually and only 16 in may 2019.  However price are up over 11% so prices up and sales down.  We will certainly see sales pick up by fall and next spring for sure so this is a perfect time to get into the market.  Call today for a free home valuation.  250-975-0654  or call with any real estate question.  Thanks for visiting.

COMING INTO SPRING 201, What's ahead...

Well all we need now is some warmth.  Snow is slowing moving away and we are currently dealing with an Artic Outflow which means wind and cold.  But as soon as the themometer starts to rise so will the activity in the market here in Terrace.  This spring we should see a strong market as people prepare for activity at the LNG activity in Kitimat.  This winter was slower market with 40 sales of detached homes and last year there was 65 during the same period of time.  The dramtic change however is seen in the average sold price.  That is a huge change from an ave


What a wild and crazy summer here in Northern BC.  We have paciently been waiting on a positive LNG annoucement and all around us wildfires are raging.  Making this the worst fire season in history.  Hasn't really effected us here much only a couple of smokey days.  The market has been quite positive.  Strong sales and positive numbers.  Once an LNG annoucement comes I am sure the market will pick up even stronger.  Positive signs around Terrace as some much needed roadwork is being done and kids are getting ready for back to school.  Maybe your c

Spring Market Has Arrived

Well it's the end of April but the spring market has now officially arrived.  Houses are quickly moving off the market as quickly as they are coming on.  In the past 5 days 10 new listings and 8 solds, that doesn't include pending solds.  So houses are moving off the market as quickly or quicker then they are coming on.  As well listing that have expired in the past are coming on at a higher price.  This reflects a lower inventory of houses and greater demand. 


It's April 4th but the weather outside is still very chilly.  Snow flakes still in the sky at times.  This has led to a late start to the spring real estate rush.  So it's not too late to get your house on the market.  In fact we are a little tight in supply here in Terrace.  So it is a great time to consider getting a Price Valuation on your property and allow me to tell you what I do to market your property.  As soon as some warmer weather comes our way I am sure we will see a very active market.  All signs seem to be pointing that way.  Unf

How To Sell Your House

So you finally make the big decision to sell your house.  So what next?  It's the realtors job right?  Well there are some things you can be doing to help sell your house quickly and for top dollar. 

Hot August Nights

Well we are now at August 8th and the middle of Riverboat Festival here in Terrace.  This weeklong festival has all kinds of family friendly events.  Terrace's new waterpark is now officially open and cooling off kids in our community as we continue a Hot Streak of several days.  Fire ban is still in effect as parts of the province continue to fight the wildfires.  The real estate market also seems to be running quite hot.  For the past couple of months we have seen properties that have been sitting on the market for quite some time being sold.  This is gre


Hard to believe that we are well into June.  The market has pick up speed increasingly over the past two months and now some price points are in short supply.  This will put pressure on prices.  Still and excellent time to buy and to sell.  Don't allow the increase in SOLD signs scare you off.  There is lots of great homes still on the market.  One of the great side benefits of living in Terrace is the longer hours of light over the summer, and we are enjoying that greatly.  Hope you are as well.  Get out for a hike, work in the garden or visit Te

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